Regular Activities (Alphabetically)

Art Classes will allow you to explore all phases of artistic expression from basic fundamentals to a completed work. Use pencils, pastels, watercolors, acrylics, or a mixture of mediums. Note that Oil Painting
is a separate class.
Search the
Calendar or call
the Center to inquire about an activity!

The Bible as Literature begins with the writers of the Bible. We catch a hint of this from the way in which some biblical authors speak with technical precision about the literary genres in which they wrote—psalm, chronicle, song, parable, epistle, apocalypse, and more. But the chief evidence is the literary nature of what they wrote. Every page of the Bible contains at least some incidence of literary technique, and many pages are completely filled with it. Come join us for a lively discussion.

BINGO is loved by young and old, and MRC members put their own twist to the classic game with prizes and merriment. BUNCO is a popular game played with dice, luck, and tons of fun.

Board and Table Games are a great way to keep your mind sharp while socializing with friends.

Book Club members love to read almost as much as they love to share their impressions of a book with others who have that shared passion for reading.

Breakfast and Lunch are two popular events at the Center, and it comes as no surprise that where there is food, there is merriment at the MRC! The sponsor and/or volunteer changes each week, making the menu varied and interesting. Note that there is a nominal cost for these meals.

Cell Phone Class will provide you with the tools to operate your personal cell phone with confidence. This topic has become so popular that it now exists in two formats: Android users and iPhone users, and both of which meet in the computer room at the Center.

Computer and Technology Classes have become some of the Center's most popular activities. The MRC provides 11 Windows computers for member use for class or just to surf the Internet on your own. Classes for newbies as well as advanced topics are available on a regular basis. Bring your questions to class, and have a great time learning about software, hardware, and all facets of technology. Instructions for joining are on the Calendar.

The Dinner Club knows all the best places to eat, whether it be simple fare or elegance personified. Sharing food with friends is as old as the ages. Get to know restaurants in the area while you become fast friends with other MRC members.

Genealogy research has become easier with the advent of DNA testing, but there is still a need to roll up your sleeves and dig through research. Use the MRC's license to Ancestry software to begin or expand your research into your lineage. This class is self-directed with specialist volunteers to help you find those important connections to complete your family tree. Search the Calendar to find when this club meets—or call the Center.

Mind, Body, and Spirit activities are numerous at the MRC as it's one of our most important missions. Choose from any of these activities, or volunteer to organize one of your own.
Primarily Indoor Activities
Bocce Ball
Cardio exercises
Primarily Outdoor Activities
The Easy Rollers Bike Club
cycles all around Hobart and beyond during Spring and Fall.

Pickleball is a fun sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Various levels of ability play in the Center's back gym every weekday. During warmer weather, members can play on any of the three Pickleball courts within Pennsy Park.

Pool Tournaments are exciting (and sometimes tension-filled) twice each week, and the winner gets to wear the infamous MRC Pool Crown! Come watch or play, because everyone is welcome.

Special Activities
Special Activities include the list below, but this is certainly not a complete inventory of activities.
Blood Pressure, Sugar, and Hearing checks
Field Trips
Health Fairs
Holiday Parties

The Ukulele is a member of the lute family of instruments.
It generally employs four nylon strings. It is a small guitar-like instrument that was introduced to Hawaii by Portuguese immigrants from Madeira. Come learn and play with our own volunteer Ukulele aficionado!

Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Maria Reiner Center.
Are you passionate about a subject or skill that you would like to share with your fellow members? Perhaps you enjoy working behind the scenes with our Bake Sales, Bookmobile, or Parade. We can use the help! Please consider volunteering at the MRC.

Yarn is the most versatile fiber because it brings out latent skills that you never knew you had. Or perhaps you used your knitting needles or crochet hook long ago and are looking for ideas to re-learn your skills. Come join the Happy Hookers and Naughty Knitters club for help with any stage of your yarn project.